Reblog of Don Burnside: Testing something before I write it up.

Ok, seriously, this is turning into something very cool! And now, I’m kind of excited to turn my WordPress install into a full blown federated instance!

Reblog via Don Burnside

Good morning and holy shit!

Did y’all know that with a single WordPress installation, and a few plugins, you can run your own federated instance?

I’m going to have to write this up! Watch for testing between my site and the podcast site!

Hello February!

Almost halfway through the month. And, wouldn’t you know it, I got sidetracked doing the number one thing I tell all podcasters not to let themselves get caught up doing, because it keeps them from being a podcaster.

I’ve been caught up doing website stuff.

I just finished a brand new site for the This is a local Podcast group that I’m a part of and we have been doing some neat things that I’m trying to make sure get noticed. Not only is the site up and live, but I even built it using the same template for a podcast that I mentioned during my talk last month.

But with this, and a particularly crazy Instuctional Design project happening at work, my focus has been pulled from podcasting. While I can wear multiple hats, the number of hats that I can wear per day is starting to dwindle, especially if I’m switching between technical and creative tasks.

In fact, I’d love to tell you more about that ID project. It is for a Security Awareness course at work (most ISO certified orgs have to have this for their audits), and you’ve probably taken it. I’ve help make it suck less.

My manager came up with the idea of letting employees have the opportunity of testing out of the main learning. Pass the test, you are good to go. Don’t pass the test, continue on to the remaining hour of training. Oh, and it’s in 3 languages, and I perfectly executed it. It is some of my best work and I’m really proud of how it came out.

It’s these things that keep us from our shows. Keep us from being podcasters.



Now that all of the podcasting stuff is out of the way, because it does seem and feel like this has been turning into a blog about podcasting, which it is not. At one point, it might have seemed like this was a blog about WordPress. Or about Type 2 Diabetes. Or a recipe blog. Or a very personal journal.

Except that it is a blog about all of those things. That is the nice thing about having my own space to write about what I want. I already have focused content sites (WRR and BRR ) and I feel that here, at, that would be boring. I like to talk about what is interesting to me currently. And, I do have a tendacy to go through phases. I also have the tendency to sit down and just start writing, without anything clear direction, just the overwhelming feeling that I want to write.

That was this morning. I woke up, fed the dogs, saw that pre-dawn sky was really great, then the dawn sky exploded in color and light! I went out to enjoy it and came back needing to put words to pixels.

Bluetooth from TV, while still listening to the stereo

Ok, here’s the situation. My parents watch TV through a dish system, not sure which and it’s not important. And, they also watch a few channels from their smart TV (Netflix, Paramount +). The receiver handles the connection from the Dish receiver and pipes the picture signal through the HDMI cable to the TV. The TV takes care of this through it’s HDMI cable back to the receiver.

Home audio 101.

Here is where it gets tricky. I needed to add two sets of headphones. And, when I say add, I mean I need to be able to hear the TV from the speakers connected to the receiver AND from the headphones. Yes, at the same time and preferably with separate volume controls. This is a thing that one would think would be a snap. The device linked below was the one that finally made it work, mostly because it worked. Continue reading “Bluetooth from TV, while still listening to the stereo”

The Podcast is Back!

So begins season 2 of the podcast. I already have the first 2 episodes ready for the feed, listen in for details. Also, this means I’m going to be doing at least 10 of these. I hope you stick around, I think it’s going to be fun!

Click the link to subscribe in Apple Podcasts or search in your podcast app. You can also subscribe via RSS or via email!

The Sunday Post: What Happened?

It was the day before lock down began. Was attending a spring training day at Salt River Field on one of the rainiest days I have ever seen in Arizona. The game was cancelled and everyone went to a local pub to have beers together. Turns out, that was the last time for a few years.

2018 Happened

After that day all of the bad things started happening. I’m not going to list them here to avoid any triggering, but you know. And, with everything going on, I felt like if I were going to post to the internet, then for sure I had to speak about what was happening. Except I didn’t want to do that. I didn’t want to post that kind of stuff here or speak about it on any of the podcasts. It was weird for me to suddenly not want to share publicly on the internet.

So I stopped. Or, at least, slowed down.

A ton of stuff has happened in the almost 7 years since. We bought a house, sold that house, bought another house. Got married in that house. Changed jobs. Changed MINIs. Sold my MINI. Had a mental breakdown.

You caught that last one, right? 2024 ended up being all about me. Spent the year in weekly therapy, working on me. Journaled a lot. Spent a few thousand miles on my ebike. Continued working on me. Finally had a breakout, where suddenly, normal was the new feeling. Not angry, not argumentative. Just normal. That happened during one of my last therapy appointments last year. I told my therapist to lead with that next time!

To keep this from getting longer, I’m back. Ok, not entirely, but I am, once again, leaning into my super powers, realizing that they are super powers and remembering how I used to create and work on my personal projects. This is the new beginning of that.

I have finished federating the site! That means there is more than 1 way to follow along!

  • Subscribe via RSS
  • Scroll down and subscribe via email (or in the side bar if you have a larger screen)
  • follow on Mastodon

Still have a few tweaks to make. Stick around and watch. It’s going to be fun!

Day 5, No Meta

It’s amazing! My skin is clearer and I’m sleeping better. I’ve been itchy from the withdrawals, but that was to be expected.

But seriously.

After deciding to allow hate speech on their platforms earlier this week, I decided that it was well past time for me to vamos! I personally didn’t have any problems on Instagram or Threads, and I’m slightly bummed because my algorithm was tuned perfectly for me on both of those platforms.

Facebook, however, has been steaming pile of crap for years. If I go in and scroll, a lot, I only see posts from about 7-10 people that I know. Maybe. I never see posts from any of my family members. I never get notifications about the people that I’ve asked for notifications from. I also know that place is already full of misinformation and hate based on links I’ve been sent to the trash that Facebook hosts.

I’m still updating the site. Scroll down and you will find where to follow and subscribe since I won’t be posting links to Meta sites. This site has been federated and it’s working! I still have some tweaks to get it working here the way that I want, but expect that to happen soon.